
We offer for Dr. Kimm’s books for purchase at the school. These include Han Mu Do, Korean Martial Arts; Han Mu Do, White Belt – Green Belt; Han Mu Do Self-Defense for Tae Kwon Do Instructors and Students; Philosophy of Masters; Tae Kwon Do History; Kook Sool; Hap Ki Do; and Hap Ki Do II.


Dr. He-Young Kimm has over 65 years of martial arts experience and is a world-renowned martial artist, historian, and author. He holds a Ph.D. in history.
Dr. Kimm trained under Grandmaster Kim Jong-chun. Later he attended Central Yudo School where he trained under Grandmaster Bang Young-doo, the head instructor of the Korean Police Headquarters. He also attended Korea Gym, training under Grandmaster Yu Sook-dong, where he received instructions in Kong Soo Do and boxing.
Dr. Kimm has met hundreds of Korean martial arts masters from many different styles of martial arts including Tae Kyun, Soo Byuk Ta, Yu Do, Yu Sul, Tae Kwon Do, Kum Do, Kum Sool, Kung Do, Kung Sul, Hapkido, Kuk Sool, Ship Phal Ki, and Son Do Sul. He not only verbally interviewed masters of these styles of martial arts, but also trained under many of them in order to understand the technical aspects of their respective arts as well as their theoretical and historical backgrounds. In addition to his 10th Dan in Han Mu Do, Dr. Kimm holds a 10th Dan in Hapkido, a 9th Dan in Judo, and an 8th Dan in Kuk Sool Won.
From the knowledge he accumulated over decades of training, through various grandmasters, and from personal experience, Dr. Kimm organized the Han Mu Do system in 1989. He has also published several authoritative books on Han Mu Do, Hapkido, Kuk Sool, Tae Kwon Do, and martial arts philosophy. Han Mu Do is registered with the Korean Government as a recognized style of Korean martial arts.